
Baby Doll Class with Robin Dudley Howes

Here is the beginning-we add the armature to attach the doll body~

Next, we built a bead wrap accent to continue up~

We next added this sterling bead and a magnificent fish piece~

Squeezed the velvet link and 2 bronze bead dangles~

And then we wired wrapped the velvet.  I have done the other side here too~

And this shows the tumbled shell bead as well as its 2 transitions.  Now we are free to add the dangles!

This was a great technique filled class!  Robin is a master-teacher and extremely patient!  I learned tons and love, love, love my baby doll necklace!  I will be investing in finer tools to be sure!  Check your stocking next year! If you are on my list, one of these may turn up for you!

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